As we approach the end of another remarkable year at St Francis Xavier’s School it is with great joy and gratitude that we reflect on the many accomplishments, growth, and cherished moments that have defined our community. Our students continue to shine and we are blessed each day to learn and work together at SFX.
Nativity Plays – This week our annual Prep Nativity plays were performed in the Church for students’ families. We hope that they were enjoyed by family members who were able to attend. A big thank you to our Prep teachers, Ms Debbie McGuiness, and school officers who helped the students prepare.
Year 6 Graduation – Our Year 6 students are starting their preparations for their graduation liturgy next Wednesday December 4th. Please keep these students in your prayers as they prepare to celebrate the end of their primary school years.
Our Farewell assembly will be on the morning of Friday 6 December commencing at 11.20 am. This is to give all students in our school the opportunity to formally and prayerfully say goodbye to our Year 6 students.
Award Assembly
St Francis Xavier’s school community also shared many memorable moments last Friday when we acknowledged the achievements of our students across the school.
Congratulations to our Matthew Markert and Senior Award winners listed in our latest newsletter.
Water Confidence lessons 2025
For many years we have had Yrs 3 and 4 go to Tobruk Pool each year. With the changeover to Version 9 of the Australian Curriculum we will be making some changes in 2025. Our Water Confidence lessons will involve Yrs 2, 4 and 6 going to Tobruk Pool from the start of next year. Yr 6 will be in Term 1 and Yrs 2 and 4 will be in Term 4. This will be reflected in the Activity Levy within School Fees. Other year levels will participate in Water Confidence lessons with Health and PE lessons at school.
Last day of school 2025 – Prep to Year 6
All class and school activities will be completed by 12 pm next Friday December 6.
Full details of the last day of the school year are outlined in our latest school newsletter.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership in making St Francis Xavier’s School a place where faith and learning flourish.