A Parent / School Team Approach
Co-operation between home and school is of the utmost importance for the welfare of each child. Parental involvement in school life is a vital demonstration to both staff and students of their interest in the progress and development of the student in particular and of the school in general. Parents are encouraged to:
- Show genuine interest while listening and talking with your child about school activities, friends, etc.
- Assist class teachers in helping children with reading, art, sport, excursions, etc.
- Attend meetings of the P&F Association and get involved with fund raising, social activities and the Parent Support Group.
- Meet other parents through being involved in working bees, tuckshop, etc; and
- Parents and Carers are invited to join the School Board.
Parents & Friends Association (P&F)
All parents and carers are a automatically part of our school P&F Association. This vital group is the body through which the parent/school partnership is most publicly displayed. Meetings are held monthly or as advertised at 6:00pm at the school. An AGM is held each year in either October or November. We strongly encourage all parents to attend any meetings that they can as well as show an interest and become actively involved in the activities of the P&F Association.
The main areas the P&F assist the school in are:
- Fostering home/school partnership
- Social activities for both parents and students
- Being an advocate for parents in dealing with organisations such as the government, councils, business, etc
- Community building
- Family pastoral care and support; and
- Financial support for the school through a levy.
The 2024 AGM is scheduled for Monday, 4 of November 2024 at 6pm. All parents and friends are most welcome to join.
School Board
Our school has a Catholic School Board, which provides a local level pastoral structure for supporting the Principal in the ministry of Catholic Education.
The School Board is:
- A Vatican II structure for vision making
- A policy making team, building policies based on Gospel values to give direction to the school and promote its distinctive identity; and
- Guided by the constitution approved by the local Bishop.
The School Board has responsibility in the areas of:
- Policy making, review and renewal; and
- Maintenance of school.
The School Board meets monthly or as advertised, with an Annual General Meeting being held each November. Membership comprises of 8 to 12 members made up of the Principal, Parish Priest, Staff Member (elected) and Co-opted members.
School based polices are located in the Parent Portal.