Social and Emotional Learning
Social Emotional Learning is interwoven throughout the curriculum, our SEL program focuses on the specific teaching of psychological and emotional welfare of all members of the school community. St Francis Xavier’s School uses the ‘Second Step’ (SEL), Smiling Minds and Circle Solutions resources.

We incorporate the Circle Solutions philosophy and pedagogy to help build relationships and resilience. Circle Solutions aims to address issues rather than specific incidents, it provides solutions rather than problems, and focus’ on student strengths rather than deficits. Circles is an activities and games included in the book program that builds positive communication skills, helps students develop empathy and connectedness, builds class cohesion and co-operation, friendship skills and ethical behaviour.
Smiling Minds
Smiling Minds is comprehensive SEL program that aligns with the Australian Curriculum and provides activities and lessons related to social emotional development. For information for parents on Smiling Minds visit
Second Steps
The Second Step program is also used throughout the school as a resource to help explicitly build the foundations of Getting Along, Organisation, Persistence, Confidence, Empathy and Emotional Resilience. This program aims to increase achievement and emotional well-being of all students. Parents can access resources, information and support via the Second Step website
Over the last few years we have run a very successful Buddy Program to assist our students and especially assist Prep students in making a smooth transition from home to school. The buddies are students selected from our Senior years. They take their responsibilities very seriously work with students in a range of class visits and activities, which give our younger students and their buddies opportunities to develop positive relationships and friendships throughout the year.